New Program Launch to Assist Local Companies

July 13th, 2018

CHARLOTTE COUNTY, Fla. (July 13, 2018) – The Charlotte County Economic Development Office is pleased to announce the launch of a new Business Retention and Expansion program for our business community. The purpose of the program is to help strengthen primary business sectors which will affect job retention and revenues within Charlotte County, resulting in the growth and development of local companies as well as the enhancement of the community’s reputation as a great place to do business.

EDO Redevelopment Coordinator, Kay Tracy developed the new BRE program and will lead the implementation.

“The question has been asked of us, ’How can we better support businesses in Charlotte County?’ The answer is, ‘Along with business recruitment and community redevelopment the county also needs to be laser focused on the “E” in BRE by moving forward as a catalyst for existing business expansion,’” Tracy said.

“Our new BRE program approach is much more strategic, proactive, purposeful and comprehensive than any previous efforts. Our goals are to reach out to target employers countywide. Initially, we want to better understand the area’s business dynamic, including business clusters and sub-clusters. Next, we seek to understand industry trends, emerging markets and our business’ advocacy for local needs. During this process, we are looking forward to building close personal relationships one company at a time in hope of creating a sense of community loyalty by addressing current and future issues. Finally, we will aim to educate our local businesses and provide accurate resources for imminent growth, investment, smart infrastructure, access to capital and training through our community partners,” Tracy said.

Three phases of the new BRE program will roll out during the next three years. The first and current phase is research and implementation; information gathering from targeted business sectors. The second phase is developing an action plan driven by data gathered from the local business community. The third phase is program maintenance; tool creation, events and programs that will help support the development of local industry.

Among the first industries targeted for the first phase are: aerospace/aviation businesses, advanced manufacturing, export transportation/logistics organizations, and medical device companies. Many local employers in these industries will be receiving letters starting early July and scheduled meetings will follow.

“It takes thoughtful planning, growth and expansion to achieve a thriving community. It begins with clear communication and then action to achieve success. That’s how we fly in Charlotte County. It’s a great place to do business and live,” Tracy said.

For information about the BRE program, contact Kay Tracy at 941-764-4944.