October 31st, 2022
Charlotte County Public Schools
Deelynn Bennett, Ed.S.
Charlotte Technical College, Director
18150 Murdock Circle
Pt. Charlotte, FL 33948
941-255-7500, ext. 1737
PUNTA GORDA, FL (Oct. 25, 2022) – Charlotte Technical College (CTC) currently offers Aviation Airframe Technology which is a 1350-hour program. This program opened in August 2021 and our first cohort of students will complete this program in November. Charlotte Technical College has a campus at Punta Gorda Airport, and has been working to develop the curriculum for the Powerplant program which will enable our students to complete an additional 900 hours of instruction which will qualify graduates to take written, oral and practical exams for an FAA mechanic license with airframe and powerplant ratings. Graduates of both programs will dive into high-paying, high-skilled jobs in the county and surrounding counties , fueling economic growth and opportunities as Aircraft Mechanics and Service Technicians which is an industry experiencing a very serious shortage of qualified personnel.
The curriculum for powerplant will focus on the engine system design, testing and repair. Students will receive hands-on experience with a variety of aircraft as they learn to repair engines. CTC anticipates enrolling our first cohort of students in November. Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 147 identifies minimum requirements for AMT (Aviation Maintenance Technician) schools.  The team of employees lead by Aviation Specialist Amanda Swartz and full-time certificated A & P instructors include:
Daniel Coffey
John Levey
Mickey Warren
Bill Cullen
William Medler
Congratulations to Amanda Swartz and these instructors as their dedication to our students and the community to complete the FAA requirements to obtain this final certification is an outstanding accomplishment and only comes to those dedicated to this profession. For those interested in enrollment into the Powerplant program, a prerequisite will be the 450-hour General course requirement. If you are interested in enrolling, please contact Debbie Ederer at 941-255-7500, ext. 1728.